Prevention is always better than cure. SO, now I’m going to tell you what are the tools of a healthy lifestyle that may prevent breast cancer naturally but scientifically. Without further delay, let’s get started.

  1. Food habits: Choosing the right food is the key to start a healthy lifestyle journey. I request you to consume your local food that is only available in your country. Eat your staple food because your body is not designed to eat that food continually whose origin is not in your country. Once you are done with choosing the right food, you have to start balancing a nutritional diet, start with the guilt-free eating and practice mindful eating, means while eating, don’t focus on watching TV or don’t do any hardcore work.

Sometimes you have to stop eating to boost your immunity to heal the disease naturally. Because when you eat all day and night long, your digestive and immune system starts spending more time and energy on the digestion of food, As a result, you truly lose the power of natural immunity to prevent diseases. So whether you are sick or not, try practicing intermittent fasting or dry fasting for twelve to sixteen hours in a day. You can do this for two or three days a week. Because Fasting has been a great weapon to prevent diseases in modern science, I promise.

And if you are getting overweight or obsessed, don’t try to lose weight overnight. A lot of women go for military diet, keto diet, and no-carb diet which are extremely dangerous and harmful because you need good fats and good carbohydrates for your body and mind. You may reduce your weight overnight with this kind of diet but when you can’t maintain this diet for a long period of time, you end up having more weight that is more dangerous.

Weight loss is a gradual process; you can’t achieve it overnight to have a sustainable solution. So if it takes 6 months or 1 year to lose weight, take that time, don’t give yourself hard time, because when you do that, you feel deprived and your reproductive system doesn’t work properly causing hormonal imbalance that has a negative consequence on your life. So if you want to start a healthy lifestyle journey, start with choosing the right food first.

  1. Hormonal balance: One of the prominent breast cancers is hormonal breast cancer that is completely hormone-dependent. That means when your hormonal cycle doesn’t go well, it contributes to the way of having cancer. Now the question is how to get rid of that? The answer is very simple, you have to avoid constipation because constipation is the primary reason behind this hormonal breast cancer. So you get hormonal imbalances due to this constipation and diagnosed with hormonal breast cancer gradually. Try to avoid constipation by choosing the right food for you and by balancing your stress level.
  2. Right micronutrients: Sometimes we are too busy to get the micronutrients from food directly and we depend on the supplements. Don’t do that; get the right micronutrients from the right food. In nature, we do have a lot of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. For example: Instead of taking vitamin B Twelve supplements, try to eat that food that is rich in vitamin B-12, It is as simple as that.
  3. Cloths: You should not wear tight bras or tight clothes that block your normal blood circulation. When you do this, toxin can’t pass, stuck inside and causes diseases like breast cancer.
  4.  Drinking water: Drink an adequate amount of water regularly. Because drinking water helps you to get rid of the toxins out of your body via urine and it is also needed for your lymphatic system to function properly. Try to drink water 10 to 15 minutes before eating anything and try to avoid drinking water after a heavy meal. At least , wait for 15 to 30 minutes and then start drinking. It helps in proper digestion and consuming less food. I know it takes a lot of practice to do so, but then again I must say, your mindset and strong determination are more than enough to start a healthy lifestyle journey instead of a weight loss journey to prevent breast cancer naturally.
  5. Exercise or movement: And you know why cancer happens? When toxins get trap inside our body, it causes the disruption of our lymphatic system that is directly related to cancer. But when we walk regularly or do little exercise or movement of our body, our lymphatic system drains the toxin out of our body .I’m not telling you to do the heavy exercises, just start with normal walking or jogging ,that’s more than enough to get rid of the toxins out of your body by sweating or any other means . Just start with a little step one at a time. Don’t give yourself a hard time, it may cause emotional suffering, don’t do that.
  6. Cosmetic products: In today’s world, Cosmetics products are made up of a lot of carcinogens and toxins. So women out there, I ‘m extremely sorry but you just have to find the way out on it. You should minimize the cosmetics product that you use in your daily life. Try to find out the products that are made with nontoxic elements and for that, you really have to study a lot of scientific journals. When you repeatedly use cosmetics products, the toxins and carcinogens get into your skin directly and you get the reason for cancer. For example, instead of using a face wash, you may use organic coconut oil or olive oil as a face wash or cleansing milk. Even studies show that cosmetics product is one of the most responsible factors for autism, infertility, and female reproductive health disorder. So the decision is yours, whether you want to enjoy healthy motherhood or not.
  7. Sweating: sweating is the natural way of detoxifying your body, so you must have to give the chance to your body to get rid of the toxins that you are getting from the environment, food and the products you are using. We use antiperspirant or deodorant that blocks our armpit and we don’t sweat. As a result, toxins get trapped into our lymphatic system that may cause mutations, lymphomas, and carcinomas. That means we are getting prone to cancer. So be very careful about antiperspirant and deodorant, use it occasionally or find a one that is less dangerous.
  8. Social media hype: I have been observing a lot of nonsense posts on social media, for example, talented people or successful people sleep less; they may sleep for 4 or 5 hours, but still they are productive and so on. That is completely wrong. You must have to sleep 7 to 8 hours daily because when you sleep properly, your body produces Melatonin which is known as an anti-cancer hormone. So sleep regularly to get anti-cancer hormones naturally and don’t scroll down social media for hours and stay offline while sleeping. I would recommend you to do social media fasting as well.
  9. Unhealthy habits: Many of us have some bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, over-drinking, binge eating lead to making our immune system weaker, which disrupts our natural immune power to prevent and cure diseases. So please try to avoid these habits.
  10. Birth control pills: if you are on birth control pills, please be very careful about the side effects. National Cancer Institute,  says, women who are in the birth control pill, are more susceptible to cervical, liver and breast cancer. Let me explain it bit scientifically. Birth control pills are made up of female sex hormones. Then again, the female reproductive system produces female sex hormones naturally. So when u have the natural sex hormones in your body and you are also getting the same sex hormones from birth control pills, it increases the level of sex hormones in your body that is directly leading you to cancer. That is why, when you use birth control pills for a longer period of time, you get triple-negative breast cancer, estrogen-positive breast cancer or progesterone negative breast cancer due to hormonal dominance, because these estrogen and progesterone are the sex hormones that produce automatically by the female reproductive system and also found the birth control pill.
  1. Emotional sufferings: Studies show that 86 % of breast cancer is caused by emotional distress and chronic stress. So if you are suffering emotionally, try to accept what is happened already, because what is done can’t be undone,but you must have to work on it, to get rid of the situation, and let things go that don’t serve you anymore and only then you can have the power of healing. When we are suffering from chronic stress and emotional distress, we produce a high level of stress hormone in our body which is called cortisol and a high level of cortisol causes the decrease of the immunity hormone testosterone. So, find your way out for stress management. For me, when I get stressed, I sing my heart out and singing has always been my weapon for successful stress management. Find your ones, please!


  1. Power of positive thinking: Negative thinking, negative environment and toxic people destroy our immunity that may cause the imbalance in our cells leading to cancer. Even food has a great impact on positive thinking. I came across a lot of people, who like red meat or the food that makes them hyper or excited. So when they stay hyper, they can’t be stable and always take wrong decisions in their personal life. When their personal life is not well designed, they make a wrong calculation, and automatically their career life is getting disturbed. so choose the right food that makes you feel contented and relaxed. When you can balance your personal life with professional ones, you may end up having a tag of a SELFISH person. Don’t pay attention to them who mix up the two terms, selfish and self-centered. Because in the end, You need to get your work done by ignoring negative people, avoiding gossip and wasting time in unproductive gatherings. That’s why a proverb is well set up in today’s time and that is “you are average of the five people you are connected with”. Because people you are connected with have a high impact on reaching your goals in life, so choose people wisely. You can be connected with anyone but not with everyone. So, choose the right food and the right people that help you to think positive and win-win.

14. Last but not least: Early detection, breast self-examination, and treatment that are the main focus of the BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month, so I really don’t want to miss it out but I would love to convey the message in a different way. Of course, we need to detect whether we are diagnosed with breast cancer or not but we just have to focus on prevention over cure. When it’s all about a cure, treatment gets the highest attention.  That’s why, Mammogram has been known as a very common mean of breast cancer screening and detection, but nobody tells you about thermogram. In a mammogram, you go for the detection and you are directly forced to go for a surgical procedure but thermogram helps you to re-set your lifestyle and fix it. It is not a business plan, that’s why; world’s healthcare is more focused on a mammogram, and we hardly know about thermogram

So far I tried to explain how to re-set and fix your lifestyle in order to start with a HEALTHY lifestyle journey instead of an unhealthy weight loss journey. Because only a weight loss journey doesn’t lead you to holistic nutrition and lifestyle, but when you start a healthy lifestyle journey, you get the full essence of everything that you need in your life.

Before I end, all I want to tell you is that, besides knowing and spreading awareness on the methods of early detection and self-breast cancer assessment test, you must have to adopt the lifestyle tools that I described in this article so far or you may find your own ways and only then you can prevent breast cancer. I personally believe that health science should be improving the lives of human beings in a very natural but scientific way without making them a tool of modern business or unethical clinical trial. So get yourself introduced with the natural ways of disease management, holistic nutrition, and lifestyle and always remember that prevention is better than cure.

Stay positive and take care of your physical and mental health.