Aim of Prescription Bangladesh

Prescription Bangladesh is a signature education program to let people know about themselves by addressing Sex Education to make them educated, self-aware and sensible and to ensure their good mental health condition with the facts starting from puberty to lifelong reproductive health and associated topics to encourage a responsible and sensible attitude to these issues with a view to deal with social taboos. The considerable issues of sex education are developed in several subject areas as a part of the Personal and Social Education (PSE) program.

Targeting SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 3-Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages“, the aim of prescription Bangladesh in primary level is to address Sex Education and Mental Health in order to teach each young minds during his/her education and let them know thyself in scientific ways by minimizing/reducing taboos existing in the society.

Objectives of prescription Bangladesh


  1. Develop a positive sense of self-awareness, and the skills for building and maintaining self-esteem by knowing thyself.
  2. Acquire the understanding and skills necessary to accept both physical and mental changes starting from early childhood to the mature stage of life
  3. Become aware of the variety of ways in which individuals grow and change, especially during adolescence, and develop respect for differences between individuals.
  4. Understand human physiology, with particular reference to the reproductive cycle, human fertility, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  5. Understand sexual development and identity and explore aspects of sexuality including sex roles, stereotyping, gender issues, and cultural influences on sexuality.
  6. Value family life and appreciate the responsibilities of parenthood.
  7. Develop strategies for decisions and actions consistent with personal moral integrity and that respect the right and dignity of others.
  8. Develop skills for coping with peer pressure, conflict, and threats to personal safety.

Advantages of knowing Sex Education

  1. People feel valued
  2. Self-esteem is fostered
  3. Respect, fairness, and tolerance are evident
  4. High expectations and standards are promoted
  5. There is support for those with mental difficulties
  6. Open communication is the norm
  7. The effort is recognized and rewarded
  8. Uniqueness/difference is valued
  9. Conflict is handled creatively
  10. Initiative and creativity are encouraged
  11. Social, moral, and civic values are promoted

Brief Description of Sex Education

We believe Sex Education is relevant and appropriate to the lives of young people, regardless of their family background, age, or sexuality. We think Sex Education is an integral part of the lifelong learning process, should be beginning in early childhood and continuing into adult life. We believe it should encourage personal and social development, fostering self-esteem, self-awareness, a sense of moral responsibility, and the confidence and ability to resist abuse, social taboos, and unwanted experience with a view to ensuring a good and secured Mental Health Condition. Needless to say, any knowledge related to reproductive organs and health is called Sex Education. When the term Sex Education comes to our mind, we may stick to the inappropriate topic only, it may be due to our social structure, educational system, or family culture. The time has really come to know what SEX EDUCATION stands for. Our education system doesn’t give the fullest scope to learn about SEX EDUCATION in a scientific way. We, very often, feel shy to talk about these issues publicly and as a result, we feel shy to accept our physical and mental changes that start from very early childhood. Not to mention, Sex Education is not a stigma. So, there is nothing to come up with a solution for making people educated on Sex Education rather it is all about to address the topic-Sex Education so that people get to know about sex education in a scientific way and can able to reduce social taboos in order to ensure both physical and good mental health condition.

So, Sex education is based on scientific knowledge about human reproductive organ, reproductive health, development, and practices which promote good, safe, and secured mental and physical health condition. It supports education that will advance individual well-being and prevents physical and emotional problems.  Sex education is age-appropriate, medically accurate, and it encourages youths to be aware of social taboos and how to deal with it. It also teaches how to explore personal values and to let these values guide relationships.

Our expectations

We are working to promote “SEX EDUCATION and MENTAL HEALTH-A Gateway to Know Thyself “.We do believe that adolescence is the period when youths prepare to become sexually healthy and adults and we work to provide those scientific knowledge related to human physiology and mental issues so that they can earn, share and accept knowledge regarding their physical and mental changes easily.

Opportunities exist throughout the statutory curriculum to provide proper knowledge on Sex Education and Mental health and We, the Prescription Bangladesh Team, would prefer educational institutions and parents to play a part in this sensitive area, by being informed and involved in the development of the educational program so that students can continue discussions at home or with friends or closed ones and therefore, they can earn knowledge on SEX EDUCATION, not on SEXUALITY education!!!

Last but not the least, based on the reality of the world in which youths develop, the substantial health issues involved in human’s physical and mental developments, and the findings from rigorous evaluations, we expect to educate youth on sex education to ensure their mental health and to make them bound on  ‘’Knowing thyself ‘’ in scientific manners.