When you name it “High Blood Pressure “, I must say it’s NOTHING but your “high food pressure”. Choose your food wisely. When you name it a disease ( be it fever, headache, cold cough, inflammation, constipation, vomiting, acidity, blotting, or whatever it is), I must say it’s nothing but a “happy disease” to get rid of the toxins out of your body by the four different detox channels ( stool, urine, breathe, mouth) existing in the human body.Threatening food habits for your fertility

And when toxin gets stuck inside & comes out of your body, you call it diarrhea but I call it happy detox. Every month, our mother nature keeps opening one of the four detox channels but when we eat continuously or eat the wrong food, toxins trap inside, the detox channel gets closed and disease happens!

When you fall sick and continue eating (You don’t feel natural hunger being sick but almost everyone around you forces you to eat and take medicine), I must say ” stop eating please “! Just drink water. Give your body to heal automatically and boost up your immunity. Needless to say, Fasting is the key to getting rid of all kinds of diseases. Your body is not a machine. When you eat, eat and eat continuously, your body spends more time & energy on complex digestive processes and so does the digestion rather than healing the probability of your upcoming diseases.

When you take medicine, you actually suppress the signs /symptoms of diseases without eradicating the root causes and increase the chance of having more diseases soon, I must say “Medicine can be the very last option, not the first one” (yes, I’m a pharmacist)! Please try some natural ways of disease management.


When you only understand “cucumber juice ” is a detox for weight loss, I must say try “Enema” asking for help from your physician.

When you start “A very unhealthy weight loss journey ” (by saying NO to carbohydrates & fats, suddenly you start losing weight so dramatically, then again you start eating/binging & ending up with overweight), I must encourage you to say YES to “Good carbohydrates and Good Fats” in an adequate amount that balances your cholesterol and hormonal level. Truly and surely, I don’t want you to be obsessed but depriving yourself of natural nutrition costs a lot, both mentally and physically. You know, nature doesn’t like imbalances and thus you end up with bad skin, hair fall, weird hormonal regulation, overweight, mood swing disorder, and what not!

When you put chemical beauty products on your face, I must say EAT healthy that nourishes your body, soul, and mind from inside. Why & how do you put things on your face that you can’t even eat? To inhale that 35 % of toxins from chemical products no matter how good/expensive they are? Don’t get me wrong. This bitter truth is that It’s increasing autism worldwide and not to mention the vulnerability of reproductive health. So, now you may wonder “what should you use instead of face wash or cleansing milk on your face in your daily life, Right? Well, I say ” Coconut/olive oil” – Give it a try because you can eat them too!

When you say “Mental health “, I say Gut Health. So, choose your food wisely because you are made of what you eat!

Nowadays, we tend to forget that ” Food is the best medicine “. We try to fake our roots. We say ” Americans / Europeans are eating pizza/burger but they are healthy. How does that even fit ourselves when we have completely different demographics dividends and gene sequences from them? Everyone should consume their local food. No option is left behind other than eating local food in this world of disease and business. Because there is no money and profit if you are healthy.

We, most of the time if not always, focus on our career instead of focusing on our “healthy lifestyle journey “. We talk about productivity but forget to nurture our gut health – the key to everything, starting from a good emotional state to whatever, you just name it.

A good life demands very simple steps one at a time -adopting guilt-free eating, consuming more plant-based food (you can be 99.99% vegan like me ), a little bit of physical activity, making your own emotional detox(choose your one: as I sing out louder when getting stressed), nurturing a good relationship with family members and that’s it. You may add the ” power of positive thinking and supporting others”. to the list. Yes, I endorse them strongly.

We go to the doctors only when we fall sick but we really need a “National Disease Management Program ” for each one of us just to ensure “A Healthy Lifestyle Journey ” and of course, to eradicate the causes of upcoming diseases.

Signing off with my heartfelt belief,
“No Medicine is the best medicine “! Fix your lifestyle tools and work on them.

Stay Healthy and happy, Everyone, and adopt the natural ways of disease management!


Tools of a healthy lifestyle journey to prevent breast cancer naturally